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Ms. Jill's

Hi Everyone!!

What could you expect from my class?
    To start off, my class will be done in voice....I am very serious about my class, so please bring your thinking cap, this is not a class you could miss days at a time because if you miss more than 3 days, I will consider you dismissed from my class. If you know you will be late to the class once or twice a week, please reconsider, I really like to stay on task.
    This class is NOT for someone who wants to learn on a  basic RP level (English, Math, Science) My class will be a creative learning class, and I am bringing back the theme I did several years ago "Crayon Breakers". This class will not be an exact repeat so those of you who were with me the first time, can enjoy a new experience this time!

We will go through all the steps to become a true "Crayon Breaker"􀀈 by learning what it means, and how we could grow into one, together.

What you will need?
-To show up on time ;)
-Bring your creativeness =0)
-Be able to relax and enjoy class \o/
-Bring your crayons ;)
-Be open to journaling each day o.O

    My class lessons MAY require some painting, journal writing, craft making, gym, recess, story time and lunch (when we have the time) :D We may go on field trips, and you will have homework every day. My homework is not that hard, usually it is a small assignment, and it is expected to be handed in by the next time we meet.

    You also may be assigned a projects based on what we are learning, at the end of the month, I will be having a parent teacher conference and handing out report cards which are based on your attendance, class participation, homework, and projects.

If you are still curious about my class and have questions, feel free to IM me!

I hope you find what you need from whichever class you chose.

-Miss Jill :)